Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday Inspiration

Abe Lincoln Quote by MaryKateMcDevitt on Etsy

We hope you all had a great and productive weekend!  Sure could have used that extra hour, darn Daylight Savings. :)  Hubby and I have a bad habit of staying up and watching the clock change.  Sure wish we hadn't done that this time.  

Have a great start to your week!

Psst... Check out more of MaryKateMcDevitt on Etsy... such gorgeous hand lettering.


  1. Crazy!!! You stay up and wait for the time change?? Lunatics!! haha! We go to bed an hour EARLIER than usual to make up for it! :)

    1. Haha, we never mean to- it just happens! We're frequently guilty of staying up WAY too late with YouTube and a bottle of wine. :)

  2. love that quote :) loosing and hour on the other hand... not so much
