Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Parker's Monster Bash!

We had a blast celebrating my nephew-to-be, Parker!  This is a picture-heavy post... enjoy!


The monster cake!
We were inspired by this pin on Pinterest.

Monster fruit salad!

My Ma setting up the food table.

Monster cornhole!
We covered my in-law's cornhole boards with plastic table cloths
and painted monsters on them!

My sister created a game called Monster Jam 2012- it was a hilarious relay.
Yes, this is my Aunt Patty feeding my little brother 2 oz. of beer.
It was hysterical! (If the look on my face didn't make it obvious already.)

Allie & Jake (the parents-to-be) at the Pack + Go station of the relay!
Jake was completing the very important task of packing the diaper bag-
and sipping his beer!

Sweet Caroline and Shmimi in their monster shirts!

Opening gifts.
This is the growth chart I made for Parker.
I'll share more on that tomorrow!

We had such a great time!  I wish I had more pictures to share, but we were so in the moment I didn't think to grab my camera much.  (Luckily, my hubby snapped most of the ones you see here!)

Thanks for sharing in this exciting time with me... can't wait to meet my nephew!


  1. What a great time! Wish Uncle Marty and I could have crashed the bash.
    <3 Tante Di

    1. Oh my goodness, that would have been amazing! Just like that one Thanksgiving... haha! :)

  2. Yay!! So fun. I've been waiting to see that finished Dino since our last golden tribe meeting.

    1. I know! You guys got a sneak peek... couldn't do a full reveal until Parker's Mom & Dad opened it. :)

  3. Awe - LOVE it!! Everything looks great!

  4. Wow, I love how everything turned out! Sooo cute :)
